大利纖維系臺商獨資企業,位于中國福建省晉江市。公司主要業務是生產英威達TACTEL,SUPPLEX及一系列自行研發的差別化和功能性的新型纖維,如花灰絲仿棉系列,彩云絲混紡包含冰涼,保暖,抗菌,彈性及環保系列。專門供應紡織高級面料使用,讓你的成品布不再單一無變化, 而具有華麗多變的豐富生命。我們還是英威達在中國認證的合作認證伙伴。
We are a Taiwanese-owned enterprise, located in Jinjiang, Fujian province, China. Currently we are the official partner of Invista based in China, and the supplier of international brands such as: Nike, V.S., H&M, and Adidas.
Our main business is the production of Invista’s Tactel, Supplex yarn, and a series of self-developed differentiated and functional yarns, such as cotton-like air textured mélange yarn and Cloudier blended yarn series, to supply textile advanced fabric use.
For the production of reliable products, we have advanced equipment such as Germany’s Barmag, Switzerland’s SSM, and a variety of special supporting equipment. We are proud of our high-quality products and stabilization, which can be used for circular knitting, warp knitting, seamless underwear, and female pantyhose.